Spectral CT is an imaging technology that allows clinicians to differentiate the various elements in the body based on their material density and atomic number, providing both anatomical and tissue composition information.
Conventional CT
Cannot reflect stent patency due to metal artifacts
Spectral CT
Iodine no water image
In-stent plaque can be shown clearly
Spectral CT
Z effective image
Different structures with different effective atomic numbers are shown in different colours. Plaque in stent is demonstrated clearly
Conventional CT
Spectral CT
MonoE 40 keV image
Spectral CT
has demonstrated a high sensitivity in detecting malignant findings
Conventional CT
Spectral CT
Calcium suppression image
allows identification of bone marrow edema
Spectral CT
Calcium suppression fused
全新配置逸境體驗(Ambient Experience)的飛利浦磁力共振
Ambient Lighting with adjustable colour
In-bore TV entertainment - MRI examination can now be an enjoyable experience ***
* Philips technology ***For selected examinations at Philips MRI
Philips EPIQ Elite is the highest model in Philips ultrasound lineup. The exceptional level of clinical performance, workflow, and advanced intelligence make it ultimate solutions to new level of diagnostic confidence.
Ultrasound Services include various body parts such as head and neck regions, thyroid gland, abdomen and pelvis, musculoskeletal parts.
乳房X光造影 (由香港婦女影像診斷中心提供)
(Fine Needle Aspiration
(Core Biopsy)
(Vacuum Assisted Biopsy, VAB)
- 針對水囊、液體性質、膿腫
- 反覆刺入病灶的不同部位,藉此取得足夠的細胞
- 針對實心腫塊或鈣化點
- 能抽取較多病灶組織給病理學醫生化驗
- 能分辨原位癌和入侵性癌症
- 更準確及有效地診斷乳房病變
- 可代替入院手術切除良性瘤,例如乳腺纖維腺瘤
- 能將影像病灶移除
- 亦可於手術切除位置放入標記(Marker)以方便日後跟進或手術定位
Vacuum Assisted Biopsy/Excision
Minimally invasive procedure
Day procedure under local anaesthesia
Small skin wound, suture not necessary
Can remove lesion completely.
Sampling size larger than core biopsy and fine needle aspiration, thus more accurate result
Can replace open surgery for removal of benign lesion such as fibroadenoma
Digital Radiography (X-ray) of various body parts provides detailed and precise images with relatively lower radiation dose.