Examination Preparation
Preparation for Spectral CT
Appointment is required.
Please ask the patient to bring along previous imaging films and reports for reference.
Please inform our staff if there is any chance of pregnancy before the examination.
Please remove all metal items including jewellery, dentures and hairpins as they may affect CT scan images.
Preparation for Contrast CT Examination 注射 CT 顯影劑檢查前須知
No need for fasting before contrast CT exam (except for examination of gallbladder).
進行注射顯影劑電腦掃描檢查前,建議無需禁食 (膽囊檢查除外)。
Please inform our staff if the patient has diabetes mellitus, renal failure or other allergies.
History of Allergy to Contrast Medium 對顯影劑有過敏反應史
• Patients with history of allergy to contrast media would have steroid cover prescribed by referring doctor before the appointment day.
• 如病人對顯影劑有過敏反應,請由主診醫生指示檢查前一日及當天服用適當預防敏感藥物。
Patient with Diabetes Mellitus taking Metformin 糖尿病人服用二甲雙胍藥物注射CT顯影劑檢查須知
• No evidence of AKI (acute renal injury), with eGFR >= 30mL/min/1.73m2
• 一般腎功能指數的病人 eGFR >= 30mL/min/1.73m2
• No need to discontinue metformin before or after CT examination.
• 注射 CT 顯影劑前後,無需停藥。
• Patient with AKI or severe chronic kidney disease (stage IV or stage V, eGFR<30mL/min/1.73m2)
• 急性腎損傷或嚴重腎病的病人 (eGFR<30mL/min/1.73m2 )
• Metformin should be temporarily discontinued at the time or prior to the examination, and withheld for 48 hours subsequent to the examination and reinstituted only after renal function has been re-evaluated and found to be normal.
• 注射 CT 顯影劑檢查當日,需要暫停服用二甲雙胍,並且完成 CT 檢查後48小時內停止服用二甲雙胍糖尿藥物,待腎功能指數檢測穩定後才可恢復使用該類藥物。
Patient with Renal Diseases 腎病病人
• For patient with renal disease, e.g. chronic kidney disease (CKD), AKI, prior renal surgery, albuminuria or on dialysis.
• 任何腎病病人或曾有慢性腎臟病、急性腎衰竭、腎臟手術、蛋白尿及洗腎。
• Patient should provide renal function test result within 3 months. Urgent creatinine test would be charged separately.
• 須提供檢查前三個月內有效的腎功能指數報告,或有需要進行緊急腎功能測試。(需額外收費)
Specific Examination Preparation 需要特別準備之檢查
Upper Abdomen/ Hepatobiliary System/ Gallbladder 上腹腔/ 肝膽系統/ 膽囊掃描
• Fasting for 6 hours (except water) before the examination time. For infants and children, fasting for 2-3 hours and 4 hours (except water) respectively before the examination time. For patients with previous cholecystectomy, fasting is not necessary.
• 檢查前6小時開始禁食 (清水除外),嬰幼兒及小童則於檢查前 2-3小時及4小時開始禁食。對於已切除膽囊的病人,無需禁食。
Urinary System/ Urinary Bladder/ Pelvic Scan 泌尿系統/ 盆腔掃描
• Fasting is not required.
• Drink about 2-3 cups (~ 250 ml each) of water 30 minutes before the examination time and keep a full urinary bladder until the examination is finished.
• Clamp Foley’s catheter 30 minutes before the examination time if the patient has urinary bladder catheterization.
• 無需禁食。
• 檢查前30分鐘飲用大約2-3杯清水(大約每杯250亳升)及請勿小便,直至檢查完畢。
• 插有膀胱導管之病人需於檢查前30分鐘把導管夾緊,直至檢查完畢。
Coronary Angiogram 冠狀動脈 (心血管) 造影
• Do not consume alcohol, tea, soft drinks, chocolate, coffee or any caffeinated products 24 hours before the examination.
• Avoid exercise or cigarettes before the examination.
• Viagra or similar drugs should be avoided for 12 hours before the examination.
• If patient's heart rate is too high, oral or intravenous beta-blocker drug may be given to lower heart rate to a desired level before the examination (additional charge applies).
若心率太高,或需服用 Beta Blocker (e.g. Atenolol) 或靜脈注射針劑減慢心跳藥以降低心率至合適水平方能進行檢查 (需額外收費)。
Preparation for MRI
Appointment is required.
Please ask the patient to bring along previous imaging films and reports for reference.
MRI is safe and there are no known hazards. However, if your patients have the following implants/conditions, they are potentially hazardous and may interfere with the MR examinations. Please inform our staff before examination.
磁力共振掃描是安全的,沒有已知的危險。但是,如果有以下情況或具有潛在危險性的植入物, 請在檢查前通知我們的工作人員。
• intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUCD) 子宮環
• cardiac pacemakers / implantable cardiac defibrillators 心臟起搏器/植入式心律去顫器
• cerebral aneurysm clips 腦動脈瘤夾
• prosthetic heart valves 人工心瓣
• cochlear implants 人工耳蝸/ 助聽器
• neurostimulators 神經刺激器
• shrapnel 金屬碎片
• ocular metal foreign body 眼部金屬碎片
• implanted perfusion pump 內植灌注泵
• orthopaedic prosthesis 骨科植入物
• surgical clips 手術夾
• dental implants or braces 種牙/牙箍
• tattoos 紋身
• other metallic implants or prosthesis 其他金屬矯型植入物
• pregnant or maybe pregnant 懷孕或可能懷孕
Avoid wearing make-up on the day of examination.
檢查當天, 請不要化妝。
Fasting Arrangement: For those patients having abdominal scan or required sedation, fast for at least 4 hours before the examination. For those having Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) patients, please fast for at least 8 hours before the examination. For others, there is no need to fast before the examination unless instructed otherwise.
禁食安排: 如需接受上腹部檢查和需鎮靜的病人,請在檢查前至少 4 小時禁食。胰膽管造影 (MRCP) 的病人需於檢查前至少 8 小時禁食。其他檢查除另有說明外,無需禁食。
No need to stop medications.
Preparation for Ultrasound & Ultrasound Guided Biopsy
Appointment is required.
Please ask the patient to bring along previous imaging films and reports for reference.
Abdomen and Pelvis 腹腔及盤腔掃描
• Fasting for 6 hours (except water) before the examination time. For infants and children, fasting for 2-3 hours and 4 hours (except water) respectively before the examination time. For patients with previous cholecystectomy, fasting is not necessary.
• Drink about 2-3 cups (~ 250 ml each) of water 30 minutes before the examination time and keep a full urinary bladder until the examination is finished.
• 檢查前6小時開始禁食 (清水除外),嬰幼兒及小童則於檢查前 2-3小時及4小時開始禁食。對於已切除膽囊的病人,無需禁食。
• 檢查前30分鐘飲用大約2-3杯清水 (大約每杯250亳升)及請勿小便,直至檢查完畢。
Upper Abdomen/ Hepatobiliary system/ Gallbladder 上腹腔/ 肝膽系統/ 膽囊掃描
• Fasting for 6 hours (except water) before the examination time. For infants and children, fasting for 2-3 hours and 4 hours (except water) respectively before the examination time. For patients with previous cholecystectomy, fasting is not necessary.
• 檢查前6小時開始禁食(清水除外),嬰幼兒及小童則於檢查前 2-3小時及4小時開始禁食。對於已切除膽囊的病人,無需禁食。
Urinary System/ Urinary Bladder/ Pelvic Scan 泌尿系統/ 盆腔掃描
• Fasting is not required.
• Drink about 2-3 cups (~ 250 ml each) of water 30 minutes before the examination time and keep a full urinary bladder until the examination is finished.
• Clamp Foley’s catheter 30 minutes before the examination time if the patient has urinary bladder catheterization.
• 無需禁食。
• 檢查前30分鐘飲用大約2-3杯清水(大約每杯250亳升)及請勿小便,直至檢查完畢。
• 插有膀胱導管之病人需於檢查前30分鐘把導管夾緊,直至檢查完畢。
MSK & Bone / Neck & Thyroid / Testes / Single Organ / Breast / Other Vascular Exams
肌肉與骨骼 / 頸部及甲狀腺 / 睪丸 / 單一部位 / 乳房 / 其他血管掃描
• No special preparation is required.
• 無需特殊準備。
Ultrasound Guided Breast Biopsy 超聲波引導活組織檢查
• Please kindly discuss with your doctor if you are taking blood thinning drugs. Otherwise, no special preparation needed. Try to avoid heavy duty or exercise after examination.
• 如長期服用抗凝血葯(薄血葯),請向主診醫生了解暫時停葯需要。否則檢查前無需作特別準備。只需於完成檢查當天避免粗重工作及劇烈運動。
Preparation for Mammogram and Tomosynthesis/Stereotactic Guided Breast Biopsy
Appointment is required.
Please ask the patient to bring along previous imaging films and reports for reference.
Refrain from any topical application such as perfume, deodorant, lotion and baby powder in the armpit and upper body on the day of examination.
檢查的一天不要在上半身或腋下塗上香水,爽身粉或止汗劑 。
Patient may take regular medications as usual.
Please notify our staff if you are pregnant, suspect you are pregnant or currently on in-vitro fertilisation treatment.